416 W. 11th Street

Austin, TX 78701

(512) 854-9400

TechShare Access

TCDA uses TechShare to provide defense attorneys with discovery in criminal cases. Only licensed attorneys may apply for access to TechShare’s Defense Portal and an attorney must read and accept the terms of use in order to apply. Violations of the terms of use may result in access to the defense portal being cut off. If you are having trouble creating an account or logging in, email techshare.defense.portal@cuc.org or call (512) 833-8303.

Felony Diversion Programs

Pretrial diversion offers qualifying individuals with an alternative to incarceration by diverting them into programs designed to prevent future violence. Defendants who successfully complete felony diversion programs can have their case dismissed. To request that your client’s case be reviewed for acceptance into a pretrial diversion program or specialty court, please fill out the form below.

For more information about TCDA’s felony diversion programs, email TCDADiversion@traviscountytx.gov.


TCDA reviews felony petitions for expunction and nondisclosure. For more information, please email TCDAExpunctions@traviscountytx.gov. Please include your client’s name and the cause number in your message.

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